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The primary goal of the conference is to provide a forum for mathematicians working on problems related to the Hales-Jewett theorem. This theorem is the cornerstone of Ramsey Theory and extremal combinatorics. In the book "Ramsey Theory" by Graham, Rothschild and Spencer, the authors write "The Hales Jewett Theorem strips Van der Waerden's theorem of its unessential elements and reveals the heart of Ramsey theory. It provides a focal point from which many of the results can be derived and acts as a cornerstone of much of the more advanced work. Without this result Ramsey 

theory would more properly be called Ramseyan theorems." Two very important results connected to the Hales-Jewett theorem are Szemeredi's Theorem (Szemeredi 1975, Furstenberg 1977, Gowers 2011), and the Density Hales Jewett Theorem (Furstenberg and Katznelson 1991, DHJ Polymath 2011). Many leading mathematicians have worked to generalize the theorem and improve the bounds.

In this conference, we aim to present leading representatives from different areas of Ramsey Theory and other fruitful discussion between research groups. This will also provide an excellent opportunity for the younger generation to meet and learn from the "big names" in the subject.


We gratefully acknowledge the generous support from NSF and from the  Combinatorics Foundation.

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